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Lubbock multifocal prescription lenses

What Are Multifocal Eyeglass Lenses?

By Eyeglasses, Multifocal

Lubbock Prescription Eyeglasses

At Eyes of Lubbock, we take pride in being Lubbock’s most trusted Eye Doctor; we want to help you understand the benefits of multifocal eyeglass lenses and how they have revolutionized how people with multiple vision problems see the world. So, let’s explore the details and discover why these lenses are becoming a preferred eyeglass choice for Lubbock residents and the world. 

What Are Multifocal Lenses?

Multifocal lenses allow people to see clearly at different distances without changing glasses. These lenses are divided into sections with a specific prescription to correct vision at varying distances. These lenses offer a seamless transition from near to far vision for people who suffer from presbyopia, myopia, or hyperopia.

Types of Multifocal Lenses

  • Bifocals: Bifocals have two distinct sections. The top part is for distance vision, while the bottom is for near vision.
  • Trifocals: Trifocals have three sections, catering to far, intermediate, and near vision.
  • Progressive Lenses: Unlike bifocals and trifocals, progressive lenses offer a smooth transition between focal points without visible lines.

Why Choose Multifocal Lenses?

As a leading provider of eyeglasses in Lubbock, we recommend multifocal lenses for the following reasons:

  • Convenience: Multifocal lenses eliminate the need to switch glasses between activities. 
  • Aesthetic Appeal: They offer a more youthful appearance as they lack the noticeable lines found in traditional bifocals.
  • Customization: You can choose the type that best suits your lifestyle and visual needs.

Find the Right Multifocal Lenses at Eyes of Lubbock

Whether you are an avid reader, a computer enthusiast, or just looking for a solution for multiple vision needs, multifocal eyeglass lenses are an excellent option. Trust Eyes of Lubbock for all your eyeglass needs, and take the first step towards a clearer and more comfortable visual experience. Feel free to contact us to schedule an appointment with our expert optometrists and see why choosing Eyes of Lubbock as your preferred Lubbock Eye Doctor is the right choice. 

Lubbock Eye Doctors, Your Local Optometrists

What to Expect at Your Eye Exam

By Eye Exams

Regular eye exams are essential for maintaining good eye health and addressing vision concerns. Whether you are due for your first eye exam or haven’t had one in a while, knowing what to expect can help alleviate any anxiety and ensure a smooth and informative experience. At Eyes of Lubbock, an ophthalmology clinic in Lubbock, TX, we prioritize comprehensive eye care and patient satisfaction. 

Pre-Exam Discussion

Before your eye exam, you will have a pre-exam discussion with the optometrist or ophthalmologist. They will ask about your medical history, any current eye concerns or symptoms, and any specific visual requirements you may have. Be prepared to share information about medical conditions, medications, and previous eye surgeries or treatments. This discussion helps the eye care professional tailor the exam to your specific needs.

Visual Acuity Test

The visual acuity test is commonly known as the “letter chart” test. You will be asked to read letters of various sizes displayed on a chart to determine the sharpness and clarity of your vision. This test helps determine if you need corrective lenses and to what degree.

Refraction Test

The refraction test determines your exact prescription for eyeglasses or contact lenses. You will be asked to look through a device called a phoropter, which contains different lens options. The eye care professional will ask you to compare different lens combinations and indicate the clearest vision. This process helps determine the appropriate prescription to correct refractive errors such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism.

Slit Lamp Examination

The slit lamp examination allows the eye care professional to examine the structures of your eyes in detail. You will be asked to place your chin and forehead on a support while the doctor uses a special microscope called a slit lamp to examine your cornea, iris, lens, and other structures. This examination helps detect cataracts, glaucoma, or corneal abnormalities.

Intraocular Pressure Measurement

The measurement of intraocular pressure is crucial in assessing the risk of glaucoma. The “puff of air” test, known as tonometry, is commonly used to measure the pressure inside your eye. It involves a quick puff of air directed at the surface of your eye and provides an estimate of your eye pressure.

Dilated Eye Examination

During a dilated eye examination, eye drops are administered to dilate your pupils, allowing the eye care professional to get a better view of the inside of your eyes, including the retina, optic nerve, and blood vessels. While your pupils are dilated, your vision may be temporarily blurred, and you may be sensitive to light. It is advisable to bring sunglasses and arrange for transportation if needed.

Additional Tests

Additional tests may be conducted during your eye exam, depending on your specific needs and concerns. These may include a visual field test to assess your peripheral vision, a color vision test, or a test to measure the cornea’s curvature (keratometry). These tests help detect and diagnose various eye conditions or monitor the progression of existing conditions.

Discussion and Recommendations

After completing the necessary tests, the eye care professional will discuss the findings and provide recommendations based on your results. They will address any concerns, answer your questions, and advise on necessary treatments, vision correction options, or follow-up appointments.

At Eyes of Lubbock, We Make Eye Exams Easy!

Regular eye exams are vital for maintaining optimal eye health and detecting potential vision problems early. By understanding what to expect during your eye exam at Eyes of Lubbock, you can confidently approach the appointment and make the most out of this essential healthcare service. From pre-exam discussions and visual acuity tests to slit lamp examinations, intraocular pressure measurements, and additional tests, the comprehensive evaluation provided during an eye exam ensures a thorough eye health assessment. Prioritize your vision health and contact us today to schedule regular eye exams. Trust the experienced professionals at Eyes of Lubbock to provide exceptional eye care services.


Lubbock Eye Doctors, Your Local Optometrists

10 Facts About Your Eyes: Discover the Wonders of Human Vision

By Eye Doctor, facts

At Eyes of Lubbock, we love to share our passion for eye care and vision health with our community. Today, we’re diving into the fascinating world of human vision with ten amazing facts about your eyes. Let’s explore the wonders of these complex organs and learn why they are so essential to our daily lives.

The Eye is One of the Fastest Muscles in the Body

Did you know that your eyes can move at an incredible speed? Your eye muscles, specifically the extraocular muscles, are among the fastest muscles in your body. They allow your eyes to move quickly and accurately in response to visual stimuli, making it possible to track fast-moving objects.

Your Eyes Have Blind Spots

The optic nerve, which connects the eye to the brain, creates a small area in the retina with no light-sensitive cells. This “blind spot” is present in both eyes, but the brain compensates for it by using information from the other eye to fill in the gap.

The Cornea Can Regenerate Quickly

The cornea, the clear front surface of your eye, has the remarkable ability to regenerate. This self-healing process can happen within just 24 to 48 hours for minor injuries, making it one of the fastest regenerating tissues in the human body.

Each Eye Has Over 100 Million Light-Sensitive Cells

Your eyes contain two types of light-sensitive cells: rods and cones. Rods detect low light levels and help with night vision, while cones are responsible for color vision and sharpness. The human eye has approximately 120 million rods and 6 to 7 million cones, making your eyes incredibly sensitive to light.

Your Eyes Produce Tears All the Time

Tears are essential for keeping your eyes moist, healthy, and debris-free. Your eyes produce basal tears constantly, even when you’re not crying, to maintain a protective film over the surface of your eyes. Blinking helps spread these tears evenly across your eyes.

Your Eyes Can Adapt to Darkness

Your eyes can adjust to different lighting conditions thanks to dark adaptation. When you enter a dark room, your eyes need about 20-30 minutes to adapt to the low light levels. This adaptation occurs as your rods become more sensitive, enabling you to see better in the dark.

Blue Eyes Are Genetically Recessive

Blue eyes result from a recessive gene, meaning both parents must carry the gene for a child to have blue eyes. Brown eyes are dominant, so a child with one blue-eyed parent and one brown-eyed parent is likelier to have brown eyes.

Your Eye Color Can Change Over Time

While your eye color is determined by genetics, it can change over time due to various factors, such as aging, disease, or injury. Some babies are born with blue eyes that later turn brown as melanin, a pigment that determines eye color, develops in the iris.

Blinking is Important for Eye Health

You blink about 15 to 20 times per minute, adding to over 10,000 daily blinks. Blinking not only keeps your eyes moisturized, but it also helps remove debris and protect them from irritants.

20/20 Vision Isn’t Perfect Vision

A person with 20/20 vision can see what an average person can see at a distance of 20 feet. Which doesn’t mean they have perfect vision. It’s possible to have better 20/20 vision, such as 20/15 or 20/10, which indicates sharper visual acuity. 20/20 vision doesn’t account for other aspects of visual function, such as peripheral vision, depth perception, color vision, and contrast sensitivity.

Our eyes are truly fascinating and complex organs that play a critical role in our everyday lives. By understanding these facts about your eyes, you can better appreciate the incredible power of human vision. At Eyes of Lubbock, we’re committed to providing the highest level of eye care to our community in Lubbock, Texas. If you have any questions or concerns about your eyes or vision, don’t hesitate to contact our experienced team of optometrists. We’re here to help you maintain healthy eyes and clear vision for years.

kids glasses care

Tips for Teaching Your Kids Proper Care of Their Glasses  

By Eye Exams, Eyeglasses

If your child is new to wearing glasses or you are looking for ways to promote more independence in eyewear care, you’re in the right place. Glasses can be an investment, and it’s essential to teach children to take proper care of them at a young age.  

Here are some tips to help you prepare your kids for how to take care of their glasses as you teach them proper eye care and protection.   

Encourage Self-Expression 

When your child picks out their glasses, it’s a big step toward becoming a responsible glasses wearer. They will naturally care more about the glasses if it’s a pair they love. They’ll want to keep them safe and in good shape. So, you should encourage your child to be excited about these eye care accessories.  

Understand Your Child’s Needs  

Glasses must fit comfortably while your child plays, learns, reads, and participates in extracurricular and daily activities. So, ask your child to look down, lay down, twist around, and bend over to test how their glasses fit and feel. 

When the glasses are comfortable and easy to wear, your child will be likelier to wear them. They’re also more likely to take care of their glasses, particularly as they notice how much easier it is to see, read, and participate in their normal activities with the help of glasses.  

Of course, those activities might also require special consideration. So, talk to our team at Eyes of Lubbock to see what materials we suggest for your child’s regular activities. We may recommend a sports band and heavy-duty case to keep those glasses safe and in place.  

Give Them Age-Appropriate Instructions 

Your child may be more (or less prepared) to take care of their eyeglasses depending on age, attention span, and motor skills. If your child is aged 4+, they’ll probably be able to follow basic instructions and be able to take care of their glasses:   

  • Remove their glasses with two hands, one on each ear stem to prevent uneven frame wear  
  • Rinse their glasses in water  
  • Dry them with an eyeglass cleaning cloth  
  • Store them in a hard eyeglass case to prevent damage in backpacks.  

To help your child get used to wearing glasses, you can get them to practice with prescription-free (fake) glass frames.  Depending on their age and readiness, you can also try rewards or even use a sticker chart to track how they’re doing with wearing their new glasses.

Stress the Importance of Proper Glasses Care 

Overall, stress the importance of glasses as a tool to promote and protect their vision. They must learn how to properly care for and protect their glasses to continue to benefit from better vision. Depending on their vision level and age, you can also offer incentives to encourage proper care.  

Eyes of Lubbock Can Help Your Kids Understand Eyeglass Care  

Our eye care team at Eyes of Lubbock can offer special tips and suggestions to your child to help them better understand the importance of proper eyeglasses care. Schedule your appointment to get all your questions answered by our experienced Lubbock optometrists as we work together to achieve better eye care and vision protection for you and your family.  

summer heat eye care

How Does Summer Heat Affect Dry Eyes in Lubbock?  

By Eye Exams, Eye Safety

If the summer heat has you irritated, you’re not alone. There are plenty of factors that contribute to summer dry-eye. Just a few causes include:  

  • Smoke  
  • Sun exposure  
  • Harsher outdoor weather  
  • Air conditioning removes moisture from indoor situations  
  • Sports exposure such as pool chemicals  
  • Allergens  

All these factors can cause dehydration and exposure, leading to eye irritation. Why is it such a problem, though? Well, warmer temperatures often mean you spend more time in the sun. This extra exposure to the sun’s rays combined with other environmental conditions can reduce the available tears you need to keep your eyes moist and clean.

If that wasn’t bad enough, the sun also causes the tears to evaporate faster from your eyes. So, your dry eyes are inevitable. Of course, that doesn’t mean you can’t do anything about it.  Lubbock Eye Care supports your eye care needs for the summer months. Here are a few tips to help your eyes feel better this summer.

How to Alleviate Summer Dry-Eye Symptoms   

The good news is that you take steps to protect your eyes during the summer months. These steps can alleviate temporary dry-eye conditions while protecting your eyes from lasting harm or damage.  

  1. Protect your eyes with sunglasses or add an extra layer of shade with a hat. That sun protection will help block the sun’s direct rays from reaching your eyes.  
  1. Give yourself plenty of breaks from direct sunlight.  
  1. Drink plenty of water and stay hydrated.  

As an added step, consider taking supplements. For example, omega-3 fatty acids (like those found in fish oil) are essential for tear production.  

Protect Your Eyes When Swimming in the Summer Heat

You’ve probably already experienced red and irritated eyes due to chlorine in the pool, but you have a few options here.  

  • Try a saltwater pool if you have the option. You probably won’t experience the same level of irritation.  
  • Use goggles for protection in sports-related situations to keep chlorine from getting in your eyes.  
  • Remember, never wear contact lenses in the water!  

If all else fails, use eye drops, especially before water exposure. Then, when you flush out your eyes with clean water after swimming, you’ll also nix some of that discomfort.   

How Your Lubbock Eye Care Specialists Can Help

While many dry-eye-related issues will clear up without intervention, you should still seek input from a professional if the irritation continues or if you have recurring summer eye infections. You might need medical help.  Our experienced Lubbock optometrists are eye care experts who can help you resolve any summer eye issue.

The doctors here at Eyes of Lubbock offer the best eye care service in West Texas. We provide specialized help and advice to alleviate summer dry-eye discomfort while ensuring your optimal year-round eye health. Contact us today to get the answers you’ve been looking for!