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As we usher in the exciting festivities of Halloween, the team at Eyes of Lubbock would like to take a moment to remind you of the importance of eye safety. Halloween is a time of fun, excitement, and the opportunity to be someone else for the evening. However, amidst the spooky festivities and captivating costumes, it’s easy to overlook one critical aspect: eye safety.

Halloween Contacts Lenses Are Fun But Can Lead To Serious Eye Issues

One of the most popular Halloween trends is decorative contact lenses. While these cosmetic lenses can transform your look from ordinary to extraordinary, they pose significant risks if not used correctly. Without a proper professional prescription, fitting, and care instructions, these lenses can cause serious eye health issues such as corneal abrasions, eye infections, and in severe cases, even permanent vision loss.Remember, contact lenses are not one-size-fits-all. An optometrist must measure each eye to properly fit the lenses and evaluate how your eye responds to contact lens wear. Buying lenses without a prescription can lead to lenses that are too big or small, which can scratch the eye or cause an infection.

Be Creative, but Don’t Risk Injury to Your Eyes

Also, be cautious about using costume makeup around the eyes. Always check the ingredients to make sure it’s safe for use near the eyes. Be diligent about removing it before bed to prevent eye irritation or infection.If your costume involves carrying props like swords, canes, or sticks, ensure they are soft and flexible to prevent accidental eye injuries.Eye safety shouldn’t be taken lightly, even during the fun and festivities of Halloween. We encourage you to prioritize your eye health by incorporating these safety measures.

Keep Your Eyes Safe This Halloween

Enjoy the magic and mystery of Halloween, but remember to keep eye safety in focus. At the Eyes of Lubbock, your vision is a priority. If you’re considering decorative lenses or makeup, schedule an appointment with us. Our team will ensure your eyes are safe and comfortable so you can take in all the sights and frights this Halloween.