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At Eyes of Lubbock, we’re passionate about maintaining your eyes’ health and supporting our community’s active lifestyles. Whether you’re an athlete or a sports enthusiast, keeping your eyes protected and your vision sharp is vital. Choosing the right lenses for your sport can make all the difference to your performance and safety. So let’s explore the perfect eyewear solutions for different sports.


If you’re hitting the trail or pounding the pavement, look for lenses with a balance of protection and clarity. Polycarbonate lenses are top choices because they are impact-resistant, lightweight, and offer 100% UV protection. Consider photochromic lenses that adjust the level of tint according to light conditions.


For cyclists, wraparound glasses with polycarbonate lenses provide excellent protection from wind, dust, insects, and UV rays without compromising peripheral vision. Some cyclists prefer polarized lenses to reduce glare, especially from wet surfaces. Yellow or orange-tinted lenses can enhance contrast and depth perception for low light conditions.

Swimming and Water Sports

Swimming goggles with anti-fog and UV-protective polycarbonate lenses are ideal for swimming, diving, and other water sports. They should also have a watertight seal to prevent water leakage. Polarized lenses will reduce glare from the water for water sports on the surface, like surfing or jet-skiing.

Basketball, Soccer, and Other Team Sports

High-impact sports such as basketball and soccer require maximum eye protection. Polycarbonate lenses, which are impact-resistant and shatterproof, are again the way to go. A pair of sports goggles can stay securely on your face even during intense play.


Golfers have unique needs when it comes to eyewear. Sunglasses with lenses that enhance contrast help spot the ball against the sky or grass. Brown or amber-colored lenses, or even rose-colored options, can improve depth perception and contrast on the green.

Skiing and Snowboarding

On the snowy slopes, UV protection and glare reduction are crucial. Look for goggles with mirrored or polarized lenses to reflect sunlight and reduce glare while improving visual comfort in bright conditions. Double-layer lenses and anti-fog coating can prevent fogging.

Hunting and Shooting

For shooting and hunting, lenses that enhance contrast, increase depth perception and reduce glare are essential. Copper, orange, and yellow lenses are popular choices. It’s also crucial to prioritize safety and opt for high-impact resistance lenses.

The “right lens” depends on the sport you’re participating in, specific conditions, and preferences. Here at Eyes of Lubbock, we’re ready to help you find the perfect eyewear solution for your sporting needs. Remember to include a comprehensive eye exam as part of your sports routine! If you have any questions or are ready to find your perfect sports lens match, feel free to drop by our office or call us.