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Right Lens for Your Sport

What’s the Right Lens for Your Sport?

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At Eyes of Lubbock, we’re passionate about maintaining your eyes’ health and supporting our community’s active lifestyles. Whether you’re an athlete or a sports enthusiast, keeping your eyes protected and your vision sharp is vital. Choosing the right lenses for your sport can make all the difference to your performance and safety. So let’s explore the perfect eyewear solutions for different sports.


If you’re hitting the trail or pounding the pavement, look for lenses with a balance of protection and clarity. Polycarbonate lenses are top choices because they are impact-resistant, lightweight, and offer 100% UV protection. Consider photochromic lenses that adjust the level of tint according to light conditions.


For cyclists, wraparound glasses with polycarbonate lenses provide excellent protection from wind, dust, insects, and UV rays without compromising peripheral vision. Some cyclists prefer polarized lenses to reduce glare, especially from wet surfaces. Yellow or orange-tinted lenses can enhance contrast and depth perception for low light conditions.

Swimming and Water Sports

Swimming goggles with anti-fog and UV-protective polycarbonate lenses are ideal for swimming, diving, and other water sports. They should also have a watertight seal to prevent water leakage. Polarized lenses will reduce glare from the water for water sports on the surface, like surfing or jet-skiing.

Basketball, Soccer, and Other Team Sports

High-impact sports such as basketball and soccer require maximum eye protection. Polycarbonate lenses, which are impact-resistant and shatterproof, are again the way to go. A pair of sports goggles can stay securely on your face even during intense play.


Golfers have unique needs when it comes to eyewear. Sunglasses with lenses that enhance contrast help spot the ball against the sky or grass. Brown or amber-colored lenses, or even rose-colored options, can improve depth perception and contrast on the green.

Skiing and Snowboarding

On the snowy slopes, UV protection and glare reduction are crucial. Look for goggles with mirrored or polarized lenses to reflect sunlight and reduce glare while improving visual comfort in bright conditions. Double-layer lenses and anti-fog coating can prevent fogging.

Hunting and Shooting

For shooting and hunting, lenses that enhance contrast, increase depth perception and reduce glare are essential. Copper, orange, and yellow lenses are popular choices. It’s also crucial to prioritize safety and opt for high-impact resistance lenses.

The “right lens” depends on the sport you’re participating in, specific conditions, and preferences. Here at Eyes of Lubbock, we’re ready to help you find the perfect eyewear solution for your sporting needs. Remember to include a comprehensive eye exam as part of your sports routine! If you have any questions or are ready to find your perfect sports lens match, feel free to drop by our office or call us. 

Lubbock Eye Doctors, Your Local Optometrists

How to Find the Perfect Glasses

By Eyeglasses

Choosing the right pair of glasses is essential for not only improving your vision but also enhancing your overall appearance and complementing your lifestyle. With countless styles, materials, and designs available, finding the perfect pair can be overwhelming. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve deeper into each aspect of eyewear selection, providing you with valuable tips and insights to help you navigate the world of eyewear and find the perfect glasses for your lifestyle. 

  1. Determine your face shape: 

Understanding your face shape is crucial when choosing the glasses frames that will suit you best. There are five main face shapes, each with its unique characteristics: 

  • Round: Characterized by full cheeks and a rounded chin, round faces benefit from angular and geometric frames that add structure and balance.  
  • Oval: This versatile face shape, with balanced features and a slightly narrower chin, can pull off most frame styles. To maintain the natural balance, avoid overly large or small frames.  
  • Square: With a broad forehead, strong jawline, and wide cheekbones, square faces can soften their features with round or oval frames.  
  • Heart: A heart-shaped face features a wide forehead, high cheekbones, and a narrow chin. Light-colored or rimless frames can balance the proportions, while avoiding heavy, bottom-heavy, or overly embellished frames.  
  • Diamond: Narrow at the forehead and jawline, diamond-shaped faces have high and dramatic cheekbones. Cat-eye or oval frames can draw attention to the eyes and add balance. 
  1. Understand your prescription: 

Before you start shopping, make sure you have an updated prescription from your eye doctor. This will ensure that your new glasses provide you with the correct vision correction. Additionally, understanding your prescription can help you make informed decisions about lens options, such as: 

  • Anti-reflective coating: Reduces glare, enhancing visual clarity and reducing eye strain.  
  • Photochromic lenses: Automatically darken in sunlight and return to a clear state indoors, offering convenience and UV protection.  
  • Blue light-blocking technology: Filters out harmful blue light emitted by digital screens, reducing eye strain and promoting better sleep. 
  1. Consider your lifestyle: 

When choosing glasses, it’s essential to consider how they will fit into your daily life. Some factors to keep in mind include: 

  • Active lifestyles: Opt for durable materials like titanium or memory metal frames, as well as impact-resistant lenses like polycarbonate or Trivex. 
  • Professional settings: Classic or minimalist frame styles can convey a polished, sophisticated appearance suitable for the workplace.  
  • Fashion-conscious individuals: Designer frames, bold colors, and unique shapes can add a stylish touch to your wardrobe.  
  • Hobbies and interests: Specialty eyewear, like sports goggles or prescription sunglasses, can enhance your performance in various activities. 
  1. Prioritize comfort: 

Comfort is key when selecting the perfect pair of glasses. To ensure a comfortable fit, consider the following: 

  • Nose pads: Adjustable nose pads can help distribute the weight of the glasses evenly and prevent slipping.  
  • Temples: The arms of the glasses should fit snugly but not too tight, avoiding pressure on the sides of your head.  
  • Bridge: The bridge should sit comfortably on your nose, with enough space to prevent pinching or red marks.  
  • Weight: Lightweight materials like acetate or titanium can provide added comfort for long-term wear. 
  1. Factor in your skin tone and hair color: 

Your glasses should enhance your natural beauty, so consider how different frame colors will complement your skin tone and hair color: 

  • Warm skin tones: Frame colors like tortoiseshell, gold, brown, or warm shades of red can harmonize with warm skin tones and create a flattering look.  
  • Cool skin tones: Frame colors like silver, black, blue, or cool shades of green and purple may be better suited for cooler skin tones, accentuating your features.  
  • Hair color: Your hair color can also influence your choice of frame color. For example, blonde hair may pair well with lighter or pastel-colored frames, while dark hair can provide a striking contrast with bold, vibrant colors. 
  1. Seek professional guidance: 

If you’re feeling overwhelmed by the numerous options available, don’t hesitate to seek help from a professional optician. They can provide personalized recommendations based on your face shape, prescription, and lifestyle, ensuring that you find the perfect pair of glasses. Some benefits of professional guidance include: 

  • Expert advice: Opticians can recommend specific frame styles, materials, and lens options that cater to your individual needs and preferences.  
  • Accurate fitting: A professional fitting will ensure that your glasses sit correctly on your face, providing optimal vision and comfort.  
  • Ongoing support: In case of any issues with your new glasses, such as discomfort or vision problems, an optician can help you troubleshoot and find a solution. 
  1. Take your time: 

Finding the perfect glasses is an investment in both your vision and your style. Don’t rush the process. Take the time to explore different styles, materials, and brands. To make the most informed decision, consider the following tips: 

  • Try on multiple pairs: Experiment with various frame styles, colors, and materials to see which ones best suit your face shape and personal style.  
  • Take photos: Capture images of yourself wearing different frames to get a better idea of how they look on you. You can also share these photos with friends and family for their input.  
  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions: If you’re unsure about any aspect of your eyewear selection, consult with a professional optician or do some research to find the answers you need. 

Finding the perfect glasses for your lifestyle doesn’t have to be a daunting task. By considering your face shape, prescription, lifestyle, comfort, and personal style, you’ll be well on your way to finding a pair of glasses that not only improve your vision but also enhance your overall appearance. Remember to take your time, seek professional guidance, and enjoy the journey of finding the perfect pair of glasses for your unique lifestyle. 

Lubbock Eye Doctors, Your Local Optometrists

What You Should Know About Eye Allergies in Every Season

By Uncategorized

Eyes of Lubbock is committed to providing top-notch eye care services to our clients. We understand that eye allergies can be a source of discomfort and irritation for many people, especially during seasonal changes. Today we’ll break down the irritants that come with each season and how you can limit your reaction to each. 

Spring: Pollen Overload

Spring is a beautiful time of year, with blooming flowers and trees bringing life back to the landscape. However, it can also be challenging for those suffering from seasonal allergies, especially eye ones. Pollen from trees, grasses, and flowers is the main culprit behind springtime eye allergies, leading to red, itchy, watery eyes and light sensitivity.

It’s a good idea to stay informed about your area’s pollen count to combat springtime eye allergies. You can find this information on local news stations or online. On high pollen count days, try to limit your time outdoors and keep your windows closed. Additionally, consider investing in a pair of wraparound sunglasses to protect your eyes from pollen when you are outside.

Summer: Smoke and Smog

Summer is a time for outdoor activities, barbecues, and fun in the sun. Unfortunately, it is also a time when air pollution levels can rise, leading to increased eye allergies. Smoke from wildfires, smog, and other pollutants can cause eye irritation, itching, and redness.

During the summer months, do your best to pay attention to air quality reports and limit your outdoor activities on days with poor air quality. Air conditioning and air purifiers can help remove pollutants from the air indoors. You might also consider using over-the-counter or prescription allergy eye drops to help alleviate symptoms.

Fall: Ragweed and Mold

In the fall, the primary cause of eye allergies shifts to ragweed and mold. Ragweed pollen and mold spores can be found in the air, especially during damp and rainy days. These allergens can cause itchy, watery, red eyes and other allergy symptoms.

To protect your eyes from fall allergies, keep your windows closed and use a dehumidifier to reduce indoor humidity levels. Regularly clean your home to minimize mold growth, and frequently vacuum to remove allergens from carpets and upholstery.

Winter: Indoor Allergens

During winter, indoor allergens such as dust mites, pet dander, and mold can trigger eye allergies. As people spend more time indoors, these allergens can accumulate and lead to symptoms like red, itchy, and watery eyes.

To reduce winter eye allergy symptoms, maintain a clean home environment by dusting and vacuuming regularly. Wash your bedding in hot water to kill dust mites, and consider using allergen-proof covers for your pillows and mattress.

At Eyes of Lubbock, we’re to help!

Eye allergies can be a year-round concern, but by understanding the specific triggers for each season, you can take steps to minimize your exposure and alleviate symptoms. If you are struggling with eye allergies or have concerns about your eye health, schedule an appointment with Eyes of Lubbock today. Our dedicated optometrists are here to help you see clearly and comfortably, no matter the season.

Lubbock Eye Doctors, Your Local Optometrists

How Does Smoke Affect Your Eyes?

By Eye Exams

It’s no secret that smoking is bad for your health. Plenty of warning signs illustrate the adverse effects of smoking on your respiratory system, including your mouth, throat, and lungs. And while those body parts are essential to keep healthy and functioning, your eyes are just as susceptible to the consequences of smoking.

The Negative Effects Smoke Has on Your Eyes

It’s a fact that is often overlooked, but your airways aren’t the only systems being attacked when cigarette smoke enters your body. Smokers also put the health of their eyes and vision at risk. Smoking increases your risk of developing various eye conditions, including:

Cataracts occur when the lens of your eye becomes cloudy, leading to blurred vision and eventual vision loss. 

Macular degeneration is an eye disease that affects the part of your eye responsible for central vision and can cause blindness.

 Dry eye syndrome happens when your eyes can’t produce tears, leading to discomfort, redness, and even blurred vision.

Short-Term Effects Of Smoking on Eyes

Even short-term exposure to smoke can impact your overall eye health. Any kind of smoke can harm your eyes, but we tend to come into contact with cigarette smoke more often than we smoke from a fire. Even if you’re not a smoker, Secondhand smoke, or chemical smoke, can be just as damaging to your eyes as smoking.  One of the most dangerous aspects of smoking is the chemicals it releases into the air. Secondhand smoke can irritate the eyes and cause them to become red, itchy, and watery. It can also exacerbate existing eye conditions such as allergies and conjunctivitis.

Make Healthy Choices for Your Eyes

Smoking is one of the most dangerous things you can do for your overall health, and your eyes aren’t spared from those adverse effects. Smoking increases your risk of developing a range of eye conditions in the short and long term. If you’re a smoker, Choosing to quit is the best thing you can do to protect your eyes, lungs, heart, and every other organ in your body. And if you’re not a smoker, make sure to avoid exposure to secondhand smoke and take steps to keep your eyes healthy. Your eyes will thank you for it!

Call the Eye Experts

If you’re having vision problems due to smoking, quitting should be the first step you should take to prevent more damage to your eyes. At Eyes of Lubbock, we care about our patients’ overall health, but we specialize in helping you maintain your vision, and we can find ways to help your eyes continue to stay strong and healthy. Give us a call today to schedule an eye exam to get you on the road to long-lasting eyesight. 

Lubbock Eye Doctors, Your Local Optometrists

Top 5 Myths About Contact Lenses

By Computer Vision Syndrome

There are plenty of benefits to having Contact lenses over prescribed glasses. However, due to concerns created around unproven rumors and myths, many people still choose glasses over contacts. 

Glasses are effective in providing you with solutions to your vision problems, but some things contact lenses do better. In sporting activities that require fast, dynamic movement, glasses can be hard to keep on your face. Glasses have frames or lenses that don’t give you a full field of vision, and contact lenses don’t fog up or get water on them when it rains. 

Contact lenses have revolutionized our ability to give a more natural feeling solution to many of our client’s vision issues, so why don’t more people wear them? To help understand the truth behind some of those detrimental myths, we’ve compiled a list of the most common among them. 

Myth #1: You’re Too Old To Wear Contacts

Contact lenses have a much broader range in age use than most people think. Not only are adults wearing them, but many teens and preteens have switched from glasses to contact lenses. So there is almost no age limit beyond the ability to take care of your contact lenses. 

Contacts now have the option for varifocal and bifocal lenses, which means that people with different prescriptions can wear them. So whether you’re reading or driving, contact lenses can help. 

Myth #2 Contact Lenses Are Too Expensive

When contact lenses first arrived, they were a costly investment, but that was four decades ago, and the evolution of the contact lens has made them less expensive today. You can now buy daily disposable pairs for under a dollar a day. 

It’s always a good idea to make sure that you’re ordering contact lenses to help you with any stress your vision may be causing you. So ensure that you’re ordering the correct prescription before you order them online, and make sure you’re ordering them from a reputable online seller. 

Myth #3 Contact Lenses Can Get Stuck Behind Your Eye

Whenever something new comes out, there is always some irrational fear that has no evidence to back it up. In this case, it’s the idea that a contact lens can get caught behind your eye. To put it bluntly, there is no physically possible way for a contact lens to move behind your eye. The shape of your eye and how your eyelids function ensure that nothing can move beyond the front of your eye. Can you imagine how much dust would be back there if this were possible? You’d have to do a spring cleaning of the back side of your eye every year. 

Myth #4 Contact Lenses Are Uncomfortable

Contact lenses may have been thick and clunky once upon a time, but years of research and development have made contact lenses virtually unnoticeable. Today’s contact lenses are thin and soft, and you’ll quickly forget they are there once they’re in your eye. 

For some people, the initial part of putting your contact lenses in may be a bit frustrating, but with guidance from your doctor and practice, the process will become more manageable and less burdensome. 

Myth #5 Contact Lenses Can Get Stuck To My Eye

Contact lenses enjoy moisture, so when your eye dries out, it may feel like it is beginning to adhere to your eye. That’s not the case, though. The lens is just drying out due to a lack of moisture. Simply apply a few rewetting drops to your eye, and the sensation will quickly disappear. 

Find The Perfect Contacts Today

Eyes of Lubbock is here for all your vision needs. Contact lenses help people with all sorts of vision problems get back to their daily lives by improving their ability to see what’s right in front of them. Call Eyes of Lubbock Today to see if contacts are right for you.